Egg Free

Egg Free Chocolate Muffins

We understand that many people have egg allergies or choose to avoid eating animal products (paleo vegans?). As with any egg substitute, the result may not be exactly the same, but it’s still delicious and nutritious!

Chocolate muffins

Made with 1tsp vinegar, 2 tbl oil and 2 tbl water

To replace the 2 eggs in the muffin or the cake use;

  • 1 tsp vinegar
  • 4 tbl of water or oil

Mix with the cup of water and 2 tbl of oil as usual, then add the dry mix. If making a cake, might be a good idea to add 1/2 tsp baking powder as well.

Aquafaba – Use 3 tbsp’s of aquafaba (organic and no salt added chickpea juice from a tin) per egg and whip it up like egg whites then fold it through the mixture at the end after you have added the fruit or chocolate.


Mix 1 tbsp (measure after grinding) ground flax seeds or chia seeds with 3 tbsp of hot water. Set aside for 4 min (up to 15 minutes if using cold water) to allow the mixture to thicken. Once thickened, you can add 1/4 tsp of baking powder and combine with muffin mix.
Yogurt also makes a great egg replacement if you do not have issues with dairy. Just use 1/4 cup of yogurt to replace the egg in the mix.

Gelatin Egg – Or you can make an egg replacement with gelatin (from Delicious Obsessions)


  • 1 tbsp. grass-fed /pastured gelatin
  • 1 tbsp. lukewarm water
  • 2 tbsp. hot water


Mix the gelatin and 1 tbsp. of warm water together until the gelatin is wet. It will be a bit fluffy looking. Pour 2 tbsp. of hot water over the mixture and whisk vigorously. You will see the gelatin start to dissolve and it will turn into a thick, sticky paste. Let the gelatin “egg” sit for a 2-3 minutes and then add to whatever you are making. Stir in until well combined and proceed as normal with the recipe


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